Adele D. Oliver

Community Manager, Lotusland, Canada

218 Flavours

Varieties of icecream .... really, and this big icecream store close to Chinatown popular throughout the year.

for the March theme "NUMBERS" - please check the General Forum:

Comments 34

  • Ken Piros 12/03/2015 23:57

    Great color and very tempting.
  • lolita cecilia 04/03/2015 12:49

    FANTASTICA esta imagen llena de color buenísimos helados...
    Nítida y bien realizada...
    Un abrazo Adele
  • Vitória Castelo Santos 03/03/2015 23:11

    Finde ich klasse
    LG Vitoria

  • Rainer Golembiewski 03/03/2015 18:31

    herrlich bunt...........klasse!
  • Agapy 03/03/2015 18:10

    Oh je, es ist ja gerade Fastenzeit und ich wollte einige Kilos, die mir die argentinische Küche beschert hat, abnehmen. Bei diesem Anblick wird mein süßes Herz aber gaaaanz schwach....
    LG Roswitha
  • SINA 03/03/2015 18:08

    Hier mangelt es an Auswahl nicht eine nette Spontanaufnahme dieses Eisstandes Adele ich bevorzuge Vanille
    herzlich Sina
  • Eduardo Castillo - EDUARDO 5 03/03/2015 17:22

    Refreshing assortment of ice cream, with the memory of old trucks.
  • Verena F. 03/03/2015 16:55

    Hazelnut, only Hazelnut for me, please!
  • Frederick Mann 03/03/2015 16:32

    oh oh
    would be very hard to make a decision..
    mint chocolate sounds good
  • archiek 03/03/2015 15:18

    Here you go making me hungry again, and right after breakfast. Great shot! looks like a great place to bring the family on a hot evening.
  • Claudio Micheli 03/03/2015 13:24

  • Christian Villain 03/03/2015 12:25

    Excellente idée de photo que j'admire beaucoup en raison de la multiplicité des choix de gourmandises, glaces ou biscuits et cette symphonie de couleurs ; donc un plaisur pour les papilles et pour les yeux .
    Bravo !!!!!
    Amitiés .
  • Mirjam Burer 03/03/2015 11:58

    this looks most inviting and it is so bad.... pffffff....
    Great picture Adele...
    lg, Mirjam
  • s. sabine krause 03/03/2015 10:17

    YUMMMM! i'm officially asking for a sample of mint-chocolate chip!! what a delicious display this is – A1, adele!! ; ) my favvvwwwolite deetailll… oops, severe case of flavor slaver… need avert to my eyes for a moment. hold on… that's better. my favorite detail is the ice-cream cone holders, and how they all look like outlandish bouquets! hugs, sabine. p.s.: i'd like my sample scoop in a sprinkle-dipped cone, please! ; )
  • Markus 4 03/03/2015 9:06

    also ich nehme .......
    Bei soviel Angebot faellt die Auswahl sehr schwer!



Folders Walks around town
Views 2,164


Camera Canon PowerShot S3 IS
Lens Unknown 6-72mm
Aperture 2.7
Exposure time 1/25
Focus length 6.0 mm
ISO 80

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