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The saber-toothed sheep

The saber-toothed sheep

1,442 3

Enzo Leprai

Premium (World), Arezzo

The saber-toothed sheep

Le pecore dormono e sognano.
Sognano di essere liberi predatori,
giustizieri per diritto divino,
inseguono sogni di grandezza...
poi si svegliano e seguono il capobranco
o il cane che abbaia.

The sheep sleep and dream.
They dream of being free predators,
executioners of divine right,
chasing dreams of grandeur ...
then wake up and follow the leader of the pack
or the dog barking.

Comments 3

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  • Vita Wiehl 16/11/2013 22:37

    I really like this, Enzo. Almost a mystic shot. Wonderful textures too. Best regards Vita
  • Glenn Capers 13/11/2013 14:29

    Perfect and the symbolism of three sheep hmmmm Enzo tell us. :))) mr Shepard photographer.
  • Lucy Trachsel 13/11/2013 9:29

    Ein Gesamtkunstwerk.
    I don't know the expression in English, meaning that the photo and the poem belong together and only have the meaning that you intended for it when they are viewed together.
    Very, very good! I'm really impressed and feel that you deserve a much wider audience.