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About me

Hobby photographer. Portraits.

Cool, you took a look at my pictures. Hopefully you aren't expecting too much. After all, like you, I too am nothing but a hobby photographer. I have learned the valuable lesson of making pictures for my own personal enjoyment. The people in my photos are primarily those who are a part of my everyday life in their homes, in our home or on the street of our village (there's only one street in this village). Once or twice a year we will go to the city, mostly to make pictures of those poor souls trying to survive city life. Should you have any suggestions or questions for me or anybody in my photographs, just send me a note. My tongues are E / D / F / i / esp / hu

Oh yes, and since you already read this far, there's one more thing I would like to add. Photography has gone through its life cycle, its history has been written and nothing will be added. The world has its list of great photographers, and we're not on it. So even though we think we are serious photographers, we aren't. Surely if we would all just have more fun with photography, our hobby as a whole would benefit tremendously!

Comments 5

  • Maik Burkhardt 01/10/2020 23:55

    Thanks for your really nice comment. Feels good to read such appreciation. Your Portfolio shows an interesting universe. And this picture of Bogica is beautiful.
  • Londonglamourtog 06/09/2020 11:41

    Thank you for your visit to my page and your lovely words of praise. You have some wonderful images too in your portfolio here. Keep up the splendid work!

    All the best
  • Peter Jenni 14/05/2020 11:48

    Hallo Vinxi,
    sehr interessante Bilder zeigst Du auf Deiner Homepage. Dein Stil gefällt mir.
    Herzliche Grüsse Peter
  • Andreas Hurni 26/03/2020 10:10

    ... gut
    ein Lächeln breitet sich auf meinem Gesicht aus
    mag ich :-)

  • Reviersteiger 15/01/2020 21:27

    Hallo Herr Vinxi,
    danke für deinen Besuch, habe deinen Eintrag leider jetzt erst gesehen!

    In den stillgelegten Gruben gibt es natürlich keine funktionierende Beleuchtung mehr, Licht muss man selber mitbringen.
    Die Aufnahmen entstehen nicht mit Stropo sondern durch behutsames Ausmalen mit Licht.
    Je nach Objekt (Nässe, heller od. dunkler Fels, Tiefe, Breite ect.) mal mehr oder weniger stark ausgeleuchtet.
    Danke für dein Interesse,
    Glück auf!


  • Photo Interested


Canon FTb
Canon A1
Canon 70D
Flexaret V(a)
Fed 2
Zenit 11
Nikon P310