Holger Ort

Free Account, Zürich

About me

Streetfotografie auf Film ist meine grosse Leidenschaft. Ausserdem produziere ich den Foto-Talk-Podcast „Mit Licht und Leidenschaft“.

My first camera was an used Minolta SLR which I bought from a friend around 1990. It was a 35mm film camera as usal during that time. Later I’ve changed to digital but somehow I’ve lost my interest in photography.

Until I’ve bought my second film camera, a Voigtländer Bessa R2A, almost 30 years later. I’ve remembered that both my father and my grandfather had been using Voigtländer cameras for decades. So, now I own my own piece and my passion for film photography grew again a lot.

I love the lower pace of shooting film, you’re more aware of what you’re shooting and how you compose and how the camera settings need to be. Because film is expensive, you can’t shoot the same way like digital.

And of course photos shot on film have this special film look. You can imitate it with digital cameras or during post production. But you will never completely achieve it.

That’s why film will never die.
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  • Photographer (advanced stage)


Voigtländer Bessa R2A
Voigtländer Ultron 1:1,7/35mm
Fujifilm X100V