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Mainz Evening No.1

Mainz Evening No.1

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Mainz Evening No.1

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©Steve Ember

Comments 3

  • s. sabine krause 02/09/2010 9:59

    i hope they're not serving the pigeons they "catch" on those pigeon spikes ; ))… a beautiful mainz shot again, steve, with a wonderful "city-at-dusk feel to it! it's two images in one, and at first sight they seem to be clashing! at second sight, though, they're corresponding beautifully: the pizza hut sign has those "nostalgic elements" in it, right where it says "restaurant, and that little sketch of a waiter has a great rapport going on with the church and its golden ornaments… lg, sabine.
  • Matthias Mempel 02/09/2010 7:18

    The typical No.1 evening for US travellers in DE.
    The other way round: Usually German travellers love to get the question while ordering a Hamburger in US: "How do you like it to be cooked?". Wow! You'll never get this question in Germany. "Medium rare, please!". It'a a celebration.
    Regards, Matthias
    • Steve Ember 26/05/2023 6:41

      Hello Matthias, and thanks for your comment.
      Actually "Mainz Evening No.1" refers to the first image of a series, not my culinary fare on that first evening ;-)
      Nothing against Pizza Hut, but it's abundantly available to me in the U.S.
      In DE, I make a point of enjoying genuine German cuisine!