Fons van Swaal 08/01/2009 11:06
Thank you very much Eva......
I'm glad you like this Typical Dutch scenery.....
Best regards.........Fons
Fons van Swaal 07/01/2009 19:34
Thanks a lot Eva .......
Sorry to hear the other image made you sad.....
Best regards and have a nice evening...
chris nsmith 06/01/2009 18:51
Thank you for your comment Evai love your work, Very Good
William Williamson 05/01/2009 18:54
Hi Eva;Thanks for the comment on the photo.
Happy New year.
Regards William.
sellappa 05/01/2009 14:36
Hi EVA,Thank you for your comment on my "THE WIND"
Plamen Troshev 05/01/2009 12:09
Thank you for the comments Eva!Best vishes!
Max Ph. 05/01/2009 11:39
oh come on^^thx!
Michael Grotkamp 04/01/2009 22:13
Thank you very much for your kind comments Eva...Michael
Fons van Swaal 04/01/2009 15:41
Two people I noticed on the river banks having pick nick....
Couldn't resist........had to make a shot ....;-))
Thanks Eva for commenting on it.....
Best regards.....Fons
Michael Grotkamp 04/01/2009 14:36
Thanks a lot Eva, this day is a real Sunday now -:)... MichaelVera Böhm 04/01/2009 11:19
Hello Eva, I also like your new funny profile photo. ;-)Regards, Vera
Fons van Swaal 04/01/2009 11:18
Thank you very much for also looking in to my older images......
Much appreciated........
Have a nice Sunday..
sellappa 04/01/2009 0:22
Hi EVA,Thank you for your lovely comment on my picture.
Kadriye AYDIN 03/01/2009 20:15
Hi Eva,thank you very much,regards...Kadriyeplateau-giresun-turkey
Kadriye AYDINJorge Galán 03/01/2009 0:45
Que buena foto de perfil..!! Quien es quien?