
Free Account, Baku

Comments 16

  • K.L. Short 30/03/2008 14:47

    you do same wonderful work keep it up K.L.
  • Seagaul 02/12/2007 9:04

    Like the others I´d like too see more of life in Your hometown.
  • Doug Hough 30/11/2007 9:34

    Hello Usya, Thank you for your kind comments. You have some really nice work in your gallery. I'll look forward to seeing more. Best Wishes, Doug
    Doug Hough
  • VikingerWølf 22/08/2006 20:39

    Privet Usia, klovije fotki :) Molodets
    Ja iz Baku ;-)
    Do skorogo,

  • Ivo Vapiroff 04/07/2006 20:10

    nice shots
    I like it very much :)
  • Merve Kabil 07/06/2006 17:28

    thank you for your comment on my picture 'pain...'
  • Nicola Fry 17/04/2006 16:48

    thank you for your comment on my picture you have some wonderfull works or art
  • Sergio Pessolano 10/04/2006 17:56

    Hi Usya,
    Actually I am working hard to my last photos from Ethiopia.
    Have a great week.
  • When 03/01/2006 14:35

    Thank you Usya. Welcome to FC.
  • Istvan Stefan 02/01/2006 21:33

    Bonne Année et bonnes photos!
  • Bill Lang 02/01/2006 16:35

    Thank you for your comments.
  • Sinan Ariktekin 30/12/2005 1:05

    Hi Usya,
    Thank you so much for visiting and your comment about my photo named "TREE ON THE WATER"
    Happy new year
    Best regards,
  • Sergio Pessolano 28/12/2005 0:17

    Hi Usya,
    Thank you for taking time to comment my photo "The Shaman". Yes, I traveled in many countries, but especially ethno-travels.
  • Jürgen Klukas 26/12/2005 6:22

    Thank you....

  • Sergio Pessolano 23/12/2005 22:10

    Hi Usya,
    Thank you for taking time to comment my photo "Joy". I really enjoy your comment.
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