About me
Photography has been something i have always loved... About a year ago, i got the urge to start taking my own shoots. Photography since has been my little way of getting out of the fast pace lifestyle. Its a chance to get out there and see the beauty out there.
When 23/10/2005 11:58
A warm welcome to FC.Elmar Weisss 17/10/2005 18:43
Hi Scott!Many thanks for your kind words in my profile!
I scrolled through your works... Nice! I´m looking forward to see more from you :-)
From now on I´ve an eye on you!
Regards, Elmar
Danny W. Wilson 12/10/2005 22:47
Thank you for your kind comment concerning my work!Mark Welter 05/10/2005 3:55
Grusse aus Ham Lake. Great to have somebody from the neighborhood putting local pictures on the FC.Mark Welter
Ham Lake, MN
Danny W. Wilson 04/10/2005 6:20
Hi Scott! Welcome to the FC!Crystal 3
Danny W. WilsonNele Folgmann 01/10/2005 18:34
Wellcome in the fc and have fun here :)Greetings from germany ;)
Lg Eve