About me

I'm a member of different photoclubs. That was the time that i start learning about looking and taking photographs.I have no favorit theme, everything is photogenic, but with te help of a striking compositie and a lot of help from the availible light, i am trying to turn them into striking photographs.
I'm taking my pictures with a Nikon D750, all in color and most of them i turn into black and white with photoshop using manely channelmixer and highlight/shadows and with the help of NIK software.

Comments 26

  • LadyN. 03/10/2022 11:51

    Lovely works!
  • Berthold Klammer 22/02/2011 19:08

    I may say that you have an excellent eye for compositions and creative ideas! As you can see I am having a look to your photos since a longer time. Best regards Berthold
  • monochromo 16/05/2009 14:03

    great album...congratulations!
  • Berthold Klammer 26/11/2008 18:38

    Hallo René,
    it seems to me that you're having a longer break...

    I'm probably not the only one missing your excellent photos - hope to see or hear somethiong from you.

    Best regards Berthold
  • A Kolstee 14/09/2008 15:08

    Hey René!

    Jij bent hier al ff, te zien aan al je uploads. Ik net een weekie...

    Mooi man!



  • Dragomir Vukovic 10/04/2008 21:28

    excellent work Rene
  • Piet Johan Vansevenant 05/12/2007 21:06

    "Last picture" was as usual, René : strong. Impressed what you achieve with thes difficult lighting conditions.
    A pity you had to descibe this one as a "last" one : your work is ànd very impressive to look at, ànd inspiring...
    Groetjes, Piet.
  • Piet Johan Vansevenant 05/12/2007 21:05

    "Last picture" was as usual, René : strong. Impressed what you achieve with thes difficult lighting conditions.
    A pity you had to descibe this one as a "last" one : your work is ànd very impressive to look at, ànd inspiring...
    Groetjes, Piet.
  • true colours 08/11/2007 20:04

    mooie fotos heb je joh
    teveel om allemaal te kommenteren
    daarom schrijf ik maar hier
    je hebt een heel e i g e n stijl,
    het valt positief op tussen het vele
    doorgaanse werk hier; je werk verveelt geen

    groetjes naar holland
  • Rosa Phil-Li 29/08/2007 20:41

    ..Thanks for your awesome photos ...
    ... Rosa
  • Maguire 19/04/2007 15:00


  • Alexandra Baltog 22/03/2007 19:04

    Hi... you have a great portofolio... I enjoyed it before but I have a second look because it is a real pleasure...
  • Roberto Grilli 02/03/2007 22:19

    Hi Rene,
    I went through your photos and love most of them but specially the monochrome ones.
    You are a master of b&w photos.
  • Frank Cecconi 03/02/2007 8:02

    Hi Rene

    I absolutely L-O-V-E your work - inspirational stuff! Keep those pics coming...

    Greetings from Melbourne, Australia.

    frank c
  • Alfred Spectrum 20/01/2007 18:06

    Hi Rene.
    I enjoyed viewing your portfolio, I love how you work with lines and common things in life (how you make them pretty).
    Beste Groeten,
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  • Photographer (advanced stage)
  • Photo Interested