Hi peterskok,
I thank you so much for your nice comments on several of my pictures.
I like it very much.
Kind regards, Gert
z.zi im Voting, schaut doch mal rein
Hello peterskok'
Welcome to FC.
Thanks for your comment on The colours you saw are the right colours as I took my picture.
Have a nice weekend.
Best regards, Gert
Gert van der Flier 23/01/2008 19:20
Hi peterskok,I thank you so much for your nice comments on several of my pictures.
I like it very much.
Kind regards, Gert
z.zi im Voting, schaut doch mal rein
Gert van der Flier 08/12/2007 20:33
Francesco Margarita 07/12/2007 17:52
Buon Natale & Felice Anno Nuovo
Francesco MargaritaMarry Christmas and a good New Year 2008 ********
Buon Natale & Felice Anno Nuovo 2008
Gert van der Flier 04/11/2007 11:26
Hello peterskok'Welcome to FC.
Thanks for your comment on The colours you saw are the right colours as I took my picture.
Have a nice weekend.
Best regards, Gert
peterskok 07/09/2007 15:09
I am amateur photograf.I am 44 years old and live in Slovakia-Poprad.felidae. 01/09/2007 9:30
Welcome to the Fotocommunity.com.We`re glad that you`ve found this place to share your passion for photography.
For further help you can have a look at the following links :
For online help, just look here:
If there is still anything else you want to know, don´t hesitate to write us.
Enjoy the fotocommunity! :-) :-) :-)
Grit Siwonia, Youth channel manager