About me
I am interested almost exclusively in macrophotography. Insects are my greatest hobby, I study them several years but with macrophotography I have started only this summer. I would like to present some of my photos here and I appretiate your comments and advice.
Marc Thys 27/09/2006 22:41
Thanks for your comments Milan,i am happy!Regards,Marc.
Frankie Handoyo 17/08/2006 6:13
Hi Milan,i enjoy your gallery very much, many nice shot...
Douglas2 Chen 30/07/2006 15:20
Thanks for your nice comment!I just see your macro photos.It's very very good.
I like macrophotography too.but my level just no good hehe.
I hope to see you new production!
Jacqueline Chay 18/07/2006 14:49
Hi Milan, Thank you for your comment on my pic appreciatedRegards Jackie
beatrix bistiakova 20/02/2006 19:11
dakujem za privítanie...aj ja ti prajem velka peknych zaberov...beatrix b. liptovsky mikulas...
Sergio Pessolano 23/01/2006 23:25
Hi Milan,Thank you for taking time to comment my photo "Sweet Elderly Woman". I really enjoy your comment.
Katalin Kiszály 23/01/2006 22:28
Hello MilanDakujem ti za tvoj komentar! :)
Zdravim z Madarsko
Milan Bystron 23/01/2006 15:26
Dakujem ti za tvoj komentar. Zdravim z Ceskej republiky, MilanMaarja Hallik 11/12/2005 14:23
Your photos are really fascinating! Good job!Regards,
Maarja =))
Rita VanDeemter 12/11/2005 23:00
Dear Milan,Thank you for taking time to look at my photos. Much appreciated:) and ofcourse the kind comments.
greetings, Rita
Rita VanDeemter 07/11/2005 0:16
Dear Milan,Thank you for telling me what kind of camera you use.
Lot of people put this information into their profile. I noticed you did not have that and as I was so curious,
I asked :)) Nikon D70 is what I would love to have :))))
so untill than I will enjoy your great work.
greeting, Rita
Rita VanDeemter 01/11/2005 22:45
Milan congratulations your photo made it to the gallery.I hope to see many more great work from you.
greetings, Rita
When 23/10/2005 11:32
Welcome to FC Milan. Like your insects.°°° celle °°° 19/10/2005 19:21
hi milan....thanks a lot for ur comment on my pic "butterflymask"
it seems like u r a profi in marco- caputres.....
want to see more of your wonderfull skills.....
cu nad regards
celal ;-))))
LEE ELLAMS 19/10/2005 14:15
Hi,you've got a couple of really good shots there, look foward to seeing more
enjoy the community