About me
Welcome on my profile !!
I do like pictures and beautiful photographs.
I have begun photography only for 8 mounths. I don't know yet technics of photography but i 'll do my best to progress.
Thank you in advance for your comments and advices. See you!!
Maria João Arcanjo 20/12/2009 16:35
Merry Christmas and an excellent 2010.Beijinhos
Maria João Arcanjo 30/12/2008 11:24
Maria João Arcanjo 18/12/2008 1:22
Maria Porter 21/03/2007 13:02
Thank you for your comment, Karl! You have some excellent shots in your portfolio!!!Regards,
Botond David 23/02/2007 19:00
Thank you for taking the time to view and comment on my post. CheersPascal Viyer 21/02/2007 18:58
J'en sais un peu plus sur l'homme à la casquette, fervent adepte des balades parisiennes et de la belle architecture. Un petit regret quant à la fréquence de tes créations.Salut l'ami et merci de tes visites...........
P a s c a l
Denise Woerdman 06/02/2007 22:55
Thnk u for your comment! Greetings DeniseDaren Borzynski 05/02/2007 16:32
Hi KarlThanks very much for your comments on my 'Gary' photographs... very much appreciated!!
Susie Q 05/02/2007 8:52
Thank you for taking the time to view and support the current Gallery proposal for this shot - it's much appreciated ...Susie :o)
Jetty #1
Susie QMarc Erpelding 30/01/2007 18:50
Dear Karl,Even if do not seem to like my "Butcher Son", I have to say that I like your architecture pics, especially "Distortion at the BNF". Take care.
Kind regards,
Aydin Yener 28/01/2007 10:20
thanks a lot for your commentJ. Anhalt 19/01/2007 13:56
Thank you, Karl 8)Mark Page 16/01/2007 11:06
Tara Trash
Mark PageThanks for commenting Karl
Baldo Arnau 14/01/2007 1:09
Good gallery! Especialy buldings pictures. You have a good "prespectimeter eye". Congratulations.Maria João Arcanjo 13/01/2007 10:48
Karl,thank you so much for your contribution for the little star in my image,