Kanat YILMAZ - Photos & images - Photographer from Monterey, United States | fotocommunity Kanat YILMAZ's profile - Photographer Kanat YILMAZ from Monterey, United States [fc-user:539552] - I like nature photography and now I'm working on plat
Thank kanat for your comment and your suggestion:I didn't crop the arm just because has the same color of the scarfs, I thought it could be like a trait'd'union to the rest of the world!
Tomasso Hall 18/02/2005 12:46
Laughing? Or are you talking about the humour images? Tell me :). EnjoyMarietta Amarcord 17/02/2005 12:14
there is a deep silence in all of your pics, and for this I really like themMarietta Amarcord 17/02/2005 12:11
Thank kanat for your comment and your suggestion:I didn't crop the arm just because has the same color of the scarfs, I thought it could be like a trait'd'union to the rest of the world!bye
Abdul Khaliq 17/02/2005 8:41
Thank you Kanat for your appriciation on my portrait.I liked your work, they are very nice.
PINDORIUS 13/02/2005 18:45
welcome,I wish you enjoy here. I think it's a big community and you can learn how people react with your pictures.
Dirk Hofmann 12/02/2005 1:37
welcome to the fc.com!good to have you here ... :-) ... hope to see more or your photos soon ...
Hudson Valley 10/02/2005 0:30
Hi welcome..nice to meet you.That was a good question...and I do not know the answer..other than they just appear!
Elaine Liebenbaum 09/02/2005 16:23
welcome kanat zu the fotocommunity.hope you enjoy sharing your comments and photos with us
Osama Esid 09/02/2005 11:21
thank you Kanat . I love old and new Istanbul my self