About me

I have been photographing for over 40 years. Most of my work has been done with a large format camera with Black and White film. I recently switched to digital and have been enjoying it. http://johndoddato.net http://johndoddato.blogspot.com/

Comments 6

  • Christos Banos 22/02/2015 22:19

    Many thanks for your visiting and comments!
    I am pleased that you liked my photo because it's one of my favorite!
    Best regards, Christos
  • LadyNoone 28/07/2014 20:46

    Hi, John,
    I'm impressed with your amazing gallery. Every of your pictures is a distinct work of photographic art. Perfection of the composition, excellent monochrome, use of light show the masterful workshop. I will return here.
    Best regards,
  • Willems Sense 23/12/2013 14:58

    Thanks for the comments John ! Of course I've take a look on yours, well....they are great ! I can see your love for photography ! Have a nice Christmas time, greetings.....Willem
  • ritaweis 21/12/2013 18:44

    Thank you very much, John. I'm very pleased about your visit in my Little Gallery and the friendly comment you've sent me. Well, now I wish you a wonderful Christmas time, lots of gifts and love ... Rita
    "Un Océan de Chlorophylle " * Ozean aus Chlorophyll
    "Un Océan de Chlorophylle " * Ozean aus Chlorophyll
  • Adele D. Oliver 16/05/2013 21:26

    Greetings and a warm welcome to our big international photo world at fotocommunity.com. I know you will enjoy showing us your images and seeing what other members have done. I wish you good times and lots of new friends ..... and always good light !!!
    greetings from Canada,
    Nature Channel Manager
  • John Doddato 15/05/2013 20:49

    You can follow me on my blog at http://johndoddato.blogspot.com/
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Sony A7R11
16~35 f4 zoom
Canon 5D11
17~40 f4 zoom
24~105 f4 zoom
70~200 f4 zoom