Jeno Apu - Photos & images - Photographer from Budapest, Hungary | fotocommunity Jeno Apu's profile - Photographer Jeno Apu from Budapest, Hungary [fc-user:477562] - Sorry, but I speak and write english very bad:-( I'm an architect,
Sorry, but I speak and write english very bad:-(
I'm an architect, 50 y.o.
I have been take photo until 30 y.
I have Nikon F90, 35-70, 80-200 zoom, stativ. I use Velvia dia, end HP5, FP4, PANF end TriX bw film.
hello jenö apu :-)
én is magyar vagyok, bár németországban élek. és ilyen kicsi a világ.
minden jót kivánok neked itt a fotocommunityban.
judith :-)
ilona enz 15/08/2007 23:25
Az iden igen keveset fényképeztél.........Mi az oka? Üdvözöl IlonaJan Van Der Hooft 13/05/2006 9:40
Thanksgr Jan
Peter Kaudelka 23/03/2006 13:38
Hi there,thank you very much for your comment.
All the best from Thailand,
Raymond Norman 08/11/2005 17:37
hello thanks for your comment.It could be one of his buildings bacuase i took the photo in japan.
Quantxx 06/11/2005 2:36
Thanks a lot JenöI like your work.
This use of DOF to tell stories.
Thanx really
Palkó Szakál 07/10/2005 16:59
Szia!Köszönöm a kommentet!
John Bennett 05/10/2005 10:54
Thank you for your kind words on my pictures.I think youe picture are great you good vision.
Regards John.
Arkadiusz Juszczak 05/10/2005 8:12
You have impresiv gallery. In each of your picture I see a lot of experiences. Great work.Dirk Hofmann 26/03/2005 6:17
Hi Jeno!Late, but not too late as I hope.
Welcome ... :-) ... keep on posting such good work!!!
Will have an eye on it in the future!
Take care,
Esti Cs. 30/12/2004 19:25
boldog új évet kivánok! :-)szivélyes üdvözlettel
Martin Unger 08/12/2004 22:27
Hi Jeno,your pictures are fantastic! It's good to have you here in the fc.
Greetings from Norway
Arturas Uzgalis 02/12/2004 9:53
Good luck for you.regards from Arturas Uzgalis
Thomas Fricki Frick 14/10/2004 22:11
I love Budapestglad to meet you
Thomas from Babelsberg
Esti Cs. 12/09/2004 16:53
hello jenö apu :-)én is magyar vagyok, bár németországban élek. és ilyen kicsi a világ.
minden jót kivánok neked itt a fotocommunityban.
judith :-)
Irca Caplikas 11/09/2004 8:02
Hello from Zürich.I like your pictures
and I hope to see more of them soon