Comments 4

  • TNCY AKA SKY 09/08/2005 2:51

    Merhaba ve FC ´tiye Hosgeldin diyorum ,
    insallah bizlere dahada cok renkli Resimler sunacaksin islerinde basarilar diler ,
    Selamlar ve Saygilar
  • Ashley R. 24/04/2005 8:12

    hi there, i came across your rose picture and i think it is amazing. how long have you been into photography? what are you favourite things to shoot?
  • JVision 11/04/2005 21:08

    Hi Ibrahim,
    welcome to the fotocommunity. I wish you a lot of fun here and looking forward to see more of your work.
  • Lucien A 07/04/2005 20:39

    Hey Ibrahim, welcome to the community! You have some very interesting flower pictures. Nice macro shot! Good way to start. Keep 'em coming!

    greetings, Lucien
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