About me
Welcome in my profile page!
I'm a student in a Hungarian college. I study geography and history. Besides these I'm interested in photography. As I like geography, I like travelling as well. During trips my little Fuji Finepix S5600 is always with me and I take everything that I guess interesting and that I like. I am not professional just started photography only a few years ago.
Your comments and suggestions would be appreciated in order to my improvement.
Thanks a lot in advance! :)
I'm a student in a Hungarian college. I study geography and history. Besides these I'm interested in photography. As I like geography, I like travelling as well. During trips my little Fuji Finepix S5600 is always with me and I take everything that I guess interesting and that I like. I am not professional just started photography only a few years ago.
Your comments and suggestions would be appreciated in order to my improvement.
Thanks a lot in advance! :)
Deryck 31/12/2012 10:45
Let this New Year be filled with happiness, joy and prosperity for you and all your loved ones. Happy New Year. Wish you have a great year ahead.Deryck
Tad Kanazaki 09/03/2012 2:53
Soon Bloom-2
Tad KanazakiThank you for your visit and comment.
BW Tad
marie-chan 08/03/2012 17:55
thanks for the comment :)† cathy Blatt 08/03/2012 13:56
Dear Idiko, many thanks for your visit and comment, wish you a good day, best regards,Dunes
† cathy BlattTatiana Gutskova 08/03/2012 10:58
IIdiko, thanks for your visit and comment ))). I really liked your photos. Good luck!
Best regards, Tatiana
Zlatko Dukic 07/03/2012 15:14
Thanks for comment.Kosche Günther 06/03/2012 20:58
Hallo Ildiko!Vielen Dank für Deine Anmerkung und die netten Worte.Liebe Grüsse Günther
Laszlo Toth 05/03/2012 1:33
Laszlo TothPlay of the ocean
Laszlo TothHi Ildiko, Thanks for your kind words.
Fons van Swaal 01/01/2011 10:33
Fons van Swaal 18/12/2010 12:01
Eva Milder 24/05/2010 21:22
Hallo Ildiko,kedves üdvözlet München-böl!
Eva MilderIvalo Linder 20/05/2010 3:46
thanks! :)Izabella Vegh 12/05/2010 14:54
Koszike Ildiko, nagyon orulok, hogy tetszik.Ivalo Linder 12/05/2010 3:51
Hi! thank you very much for the nice welcomeKadriye AYDIN 11/05/2010 21:22
Thank you so much,regards...Kadriye...14 HOUSES
Kadriye AYDIN