Comments 24

  • nature_one 03/12/2022 15:39

    The love to the animals I see in all pictures of you. Great Pictures. Thank you very much. I wish you the best
  • Apostolos Koreas 06/09/2022 15:35

    Thank you very much for appreciating several of my fotos. Considering the city you are located I wis you all the est. Kind regards, Apostolos
  • tsara_be 05/09/2022 23:37

    Again, Andrey, thank you very much for your further likes on my photographs by today. Regards, tsara_be
  • tsara_be 23/08/2022 22:42

    Dear Andrey, thank you very much for liking several of my pictures. It is very much appreciated. Regards, tsara_be
  • J Oscar Sierra Echo 15/08/2022 11:21

    Appreciate visits and portfolio likes.
    Thanks for the time you spent.
  • Micheal Gionta 08/08/2022 21:58

    everything nothing thank you for sharing these great pics
  • MinnaS. aus W. 05/08/2022 18:45

    dear Andrey!

    I really enjoy having a look at your beautiful & great pictures!
    I hope, you are quite okay & wish you all the best, with all of my heart. Please take care.

    Warm greetings to you & Kramatorsk, Minna.
  • Andrey Snegir 03/08/2022 14:27

    Thanks for the compliment Norma! Lately I've been using a Laowa 100mm f/2.8 2x Ultra Macro APO and occasionally a Tamron SP AF 90mm F 2.8 Di MACRO. In some works, stacking is present.
  • Norma 03/08/2022 14:00

    Wow what great macro's you make! What lens do you use and are you staking?
    Greetz, Norma
  • redfox-dream-art-photography 30/06/2022 2:22

    Wonderful gallery!
  • cornagoae 18/05/2022 8:20

    merci pour ton passage dans ma galerie  amitiés   ......

    De très jolies photos, félicitations
  • patrick hyrailles 18/05/2022 7:56

    merci pour ton passage sur mes photos
    bonne journée
  • Light in the morning 12/05/2022 14:55

    Hallo Andrey, besten Dank für die zahlreichen Anerkennungen in meiner Galerie.
  • Neuhold Hans1 03/02/2022 19:41

    Wow,   Macro Profi !!!
    Thanks and good light
  • erdstern 29/12/2021 8:29

    Hoi Andrey
    vielen Dank für dein Lob!
    VG Daniela
  • 158 35
  • 692 484
Received / Given


  • Photographer (advanced stage)


Pentax KP,
TAMRON SP AF 28-75mm F2.8 XR Di,
TAMRON SP AF 90mm F2.8,
smc PENTAX-DA 16-45mm F4 ED AL,
Super Takumar 50mm F1.4
Laowa 100mm f/2.8 2x Ultra Macro APO