Comments 30

  • Fons van Swaal 29/12/2009 12:22

  • Kaith Kakavouli 27/12/2009 17:24

    wishing the best for 2010 !!!!
  • electronique 27/12/2009 1:00

    Hey.. ive been in shetland in 2002... it was a school exchange.. do you know a girl named Lois Gaffney? (Her family lives in South Withness(?)..)

    im searching for her and her family, we cant write letters or something else cause ive lost their address.. :(

    sorry for my wrong-english.. :D

    greets from Hamburg-Germany...

    Louisa K.

  • Kaith Kakavouli 17/12/2009 11:19

  • Fons van Swaal 16/12/2009 15:44

  • Eva T 28/05/2009 23:56

    Thanks for your comment :-)
  • Sally Dunn 25/05/2009 23:04

    Thanks Allan for your comments and visit. Hope you have a good week.
  • Jayne Skyrme 25/05/2009 15:46

    thanks for the comment...yes I expect the scenery is similar to that way up there in Shetland...this was way down south , near Lands End...hopefully one day I`ll get up that way and see the lovely coasts there too...thanks again...Jayne..:)
  • WGL 22/05/2009 2:12

    Thank you for your comments.
  • Vladimir Plugnikov 21/05/2009 18:06

    Thank you very much Alan for your kindest remarks for my photos.
    Best regards
  • chris nsmith 21/05/2009 17:24

    Thank you for your comment.
  • JadeShallow 20/05/2009 0:00

    Thanks a lot Allan!
  • Sally Dunn 16/05/2009 22:32

    Thank you Allan, very kind of you. Have a nice Sunday.
  • Brazzzil 13/05/2009 12:12

    Danke Alain
    Vielen Gruß
  • Fons van Swaal 12/05/2009 22:32

    Thanks my friend......;-))
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