Young Hmong ladies in Baan Houakhoua
Baan Houakhoua is a place in the region of Salavan Province in Laos.
Two Hmong girls in their traditionel outfit and a small girl on the side of her mother.
Basically, the Mong women’s dress is usually conical, folded. The apparel usually comes with head scarf, dress, skirt, belt, apron in front and back of skirt, leggings, jewelry.
Benita Sittner 22 hours ago
...eine wunderschöne Tracht...VLG BenitaHerbert Rulf 09/01/2025 0:29
Sieht aus als warteten sie auf ihren Einsatz.LG, Herbert
Reinhard Arndt 08/01/2025 16:49
Schön sehen sie aus in ihren farbenfrohen traditionellen Trachten.Viele Grüße Reinhard