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Winter Sun
Taken in Hyde Park perth Western Australia late afternoon with a Fuji Finpix S9500
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Theo Weijmer 06/08/2006 13:53
Great picture, very nice colours and composition, only the thought of winter....!Greetings Theo
John Moore 05/08/2006 19:04
A bloom for you and your wife!!j.
John Moore 05/08/2006 18:33
Wonderful display of a great spot to sit and watch the waterfowl as they frolic in the ponds.A glorious picture mate.
Best wishes,
Jacky Kobelt 04/08/2006 21:44
that looks just great
greetings to my beloved Australia....
JVision 04/08/2006 17:53
Wonderful picture. I like the romantic mood and the warm light.Greetings