Paste the following link into the comment field of the desired conversation in Messenger to send this profile in the message.
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Copy the following link to share the profile in other applications.
Viva Cuba !
Havana, Cuba
Include in a comment, a description or a message to show this image.
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Click on the link and use the key combination "Ctrl C" [Win] or "Cmd C" [Mac] to copy the link.
Insert the following link into the comment field of the desired conversation in Messenger using 'Paste' to send this image in the message.
Adán Castillo 10/08/2009 6:31
¡Que buen habano caballero!¡Que viva Cuba!
Hasan Fathy 22/04/2007 20:08
what a very big cigarateKombizz Kashani 22/04/2007 4:55
an interesting imageI wonder if he smokes that long cigar ? or it is for a show off !