Trees #3 „Survival of the last leaf tree“
Since this year wide areas of dead Spruce trees had to be felled due to climate change and Bark Beetle. Here in the forest near my house the only surviving tree seems to be this one....
Trees #3 „Survival of the last leaf tree“
Since this year wide areas of dead Spruce trees had to be felled due to climate change and Bark Beetle. Here in the forest near my house the only surviving tree seems to be this one....
Logoblue 20/10/2020 18:47
Great and interesting creativ pic. ???Dragomir Vukovic 19/10/2020 18:16
excellentAdele D. Oliver 18/10/2020 21:06
sad to see, but a great and telling duo-tone captureof this tree !!
enjoy your Sunday evening,