the whole world at his feet photo & image | landscape, sand & sea, nature images at photo community
the whole world at his feet Photo & image by Jaime Crystal Attenborough ᐅ View and rate this photo free at Discover more images here.
Well Hello there, oh lady of the Island of the long white cloud.
My he has grown a lot, is he playing for the All Blacks team yet??
Great shot, I hope that all is well over yonder?
Bless you both.
Olave 14/01/2008 11:05
Excellent well composition and geat wishes
John Moore 24/09/2007 2:05
Well Hello there, oh lady of the Island of the long white cloud.My he has grown a lot, is he playing for the All Blacks team yet??
Great shot, I hope that all is well over yonder?
Bless you both.
Wendy de With 11/09/2007 21:07
Very good. Great atmosphere too.Greetings, Wendy
Lawson McCulloch 11/09/2007 20:54
Great clarity and range of tones in this shot wishes from Lawson.
aw masry 11/09/2007 17:32
Very poetic image !Best regards - aw masry
Fons van Swaal 11/09/2007 16:15
****EXCELLENT****Alexandra Baltog 11/09/2007 13:26
beautiful b&w pic...excellent composition... a very fine pic !Cheers,
Véronique Soulier 11/09/2007 10:46
Good BW something warm, sunny coming out of it.. a world to preserve for him.. bye VSCsomorLászló 11/09/2007 10:23
*****Cees Kuijs 11/09/2007 9:24
Excellent, Jaime. Good use of the rules of thirds. Give Adam my regards.Greetings, Cees
Abdul Khaliq 11/09/2007 9:04
Brilliant composition Jaime.Contrast , light and the subject well placed.
Wayne Tsipouras 11/09/2007 7:11
Where the only limitation is that of imagation.Beautiful expressive mood, well captured.
Alfred Spectrum 11/09/2007 4:10
Very strong; great tones. The little one seems hesitant, he must have seen it in b&w as well....Alfred.
Andre Amsel 11/09/2007 1:49
It seems, the whole world is very big. :-)Very nice, symbolic picture.
Regards, Andreas
Ilidio Fernandes 10/09/2007 23:25