The Mistery
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hrishikesh thakur 20/03/2009 4:52
+++Daniel Gordon ( William Price ) 08/09/2007 10:21
excellent use of lightvery good tonal range
like it a lot
kind regards
Andrej Nagode 08/09/2007 10:18
Very good portrait!Anja Kosubek 29/07/2007 21:43
Very good!Anja
Inez Correia Marques 24/07/2007 10:44
LOVELY PORTRAIT.. ILIKEMario A Macedo 23/07/2007 17:53
Em que mundo, em que estrela tu te escondes?Nem quero discutir a foto...
De noticias. Muitas saudades.
Sergio Pessolano 23/07/2007 11:04
Superb portrait.Tamara Trejo 23/07/2007 3:16
Very nice. TTBrad Waldera 22/07/2007 14:33
Exposure and sharpness are right on. Kind of a moody shot. Nice photo.PINDORIUS 22/07/2007 12:34
i like this expression, looking down, like absentAntoinette 22/07/2007 9:48
Nice intriging portrait.