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Stairways and Skyscrapers - A Hudson Yards Nightscape

Stairways and Skyscrapers - A Hudson Yards Nightscape

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Stairways and Skyscrapers - A Hudson Yards Nightscape

The photo was taken on a crystal clear Manhattan night in October 2019.

The multi-level viewing platform known as the Vessel (*) is expected to reopen later this year
following modifications said to preserve the unique viewing experience while preventing the
suicide attempts that caused it to be closed to the public in 2021.

This is the photo's first appearance, in hopeful anticipation of Vessel's reopening.

©2024 Steve Ember

The Vessel on a Summer Night - A Manhattan Impression
The Vessel on a Summer Night - A Manhattan Impression
Steve Ember
Vessel Nearing Completion - a Hudson Yards Nightscape
Vessel Nearing Completion - a Hudson Yards Nightscape
Steve Ember

Comments 2

  • JOKIST 11/08/2024 22:33

    Ein lohnendes Motiv - perfekt im Bild verewigt

    Ingrid und Hans
    • Steve Ember 11/08/2024 23:11

      Vielen Dank, Ingrid und Hans - much appreciated!
      The Vessel presents so many visual stimuli, whether unto itself or as part of NYC's vibrant cityscape. One can only hope the apparently needed modifications will not spoil either the form or the fine sightlines...