Rostov photo & image | europe, eastern europe, russia images at photo community
Rostov Photo & image by Vladimir Danilov ᐅ View and rate this photo free at Discover more images here.
Hello, Dirk!
It's not Rostov-on-Don which is in south of Russia. That's Rostov the Great which is 200 km from Moskow towards North-East. Over 1000 years old.
The picture comes from this year, I've taken it last week.
Herr Benini 30/11/2007 16:13
sauber aufgebaut.schönes bild
Leonid M 16/12/2006 3:13
Lieber Vladimir,Vielen Dank dir ,dass du bist !!!
Alles dir gutte und Gluck !
Liebe Gruss
Elena D 29/01/2006 19:46
Seeehr guuuut!ZAMECHATEL'NO!!!
LG, Elena
xxx xxx 22/01/2006 1:15
Sehr gut !!!mga
Milan Bystron 18/01/2006 3:28
Very beautiful architecture ...Jaime Crystal Attenborough 22/12/2005 9:47
wow what a postcard !love the sunlight and the shadows.
the Architecture is amazing on this building.
well done a great photo
jaime :)
Viktor Hazilov 07/12/2005 15:29
gut gemachtSergio Pessolano 07/12/2005 0:42
Superb composition, wonderful lighting.Vladimir Danilov 28/11/2005 10:54
@Abdul Khaliq:It's already evening. Thnx for your visit.
Abdul Khaliq 28/11/2005 10:25
Very nice, the church and the sunlight effects.Is this Mroning or Evening ?
Ryca Rawung 23/11/2005 7:36
strong in dimention..great lighting composition
Alex Fuchs 17/11/2005 8:57
Volodya, really good.. I like it very much.Stefan Gstettner 15/11/2005 19:51
Yes it is a good shot - It´s a wunderful Picture.LG Stefan
Vladimir Danilov 14/11/2005 6:31
Dirk Feldheim, 12.11.2005 at 23:36hRostov na Don, very nice Pic.
Which year u took this one?
Hello, Dirk!
It's not Rostov-on-Don which is in south of Russia. That's Rostov the Great which is 200 km from Moskow towards North-East. Over 1000 years old.
The picture comes from this year, I've taken it last week.
Petra Finkenzeller 13/11/2005 10:10