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Point Photo & image by Christopher Henden ᐅ View and rate this photo free at fotocommunity.de. Discover more images here.
Sorry but hes right.
You don't have to remove the front one entirely, just move it enough out of the way, so you can tell what it is, but so it doesn't distract from the "main character"
: )
don't like the front cactus ... by moving a step to the left you would have brought the one in the back into a better sight without losing the unsharp one ....
Niculai Constantinescu 06/03/2005 17:26
Art is not perfectioni like it like it is!!!
Christopher Henden 05/03/2005 11:48
Hi both, thanks for your advice. Personally I like the front cactii, so they're staying in :)Jordan D. 04/03/2005 8:34
Sorry but hes right.You don't have to remove the front one entirely, just move it enough out of the way, so you can tell what it is, but so it doesn't distract from the "main character"
: )
Dirk Hofmann 04/03/2005 7:02
don't like the front cactus ... by moving a step to the left you would have brought the one in the back into a better sight without losing the unsharp one ....