Palm at Cote D'Or photo & image | africa, eastern africa, seychelles images at photo community
Palm at Cote D'Or Photo & image by Peter Kis kalóz ᐅ View and rate this photo free at Discover more images here.
Lovely pic, Peter ! It's a paradise where you live and it is pleasure to look at your pictures. I like the composition on this one although the shadow could have been complete ;o)
No Peter, not a shot from you .... you put it out of a
wonderfull book about Seychelles ...... ;-)))))) Such a
fine pic Peter ........ love it!!!!! Yes, you have the look
for wonderful and great pictures. greets Wo.
wieder ein wundervolle landschaftfoto
lg. piri
irigyellek hogy ilyen szép helyeken jársz...nagyon kellemes meleg csodaszép színek..
üdv.piri ...köszönöm szépen a bókot..-:))
Sebastian Lindström 15/03/2007 8:37
the color of the water is amazing, almost like somekind of cocktail! : )Milan Bystron 09/04/2006 22:54
Very nice atmosphere ... good work! :-)Peter Mayer 1963 06/04/2006 0:49
Good Day Peter!!This is a very good picture,its a dream!!!!!!
Greetings from Germany
Su Aet 05/04/2006 23:34
that's great ..i can smell the endles of World ^^MFG Su@
Martin Herdicky 29/03/2006 13:29
Lovely pic, Peter ! It's a paradise where you live and it is pleasure to look at your pictures. I like the composition on this one although the shadow could have been complete ;o)Regards
Gray Wolfman 29/03/2006 8:35
No Peter, not a shot from you .... you put it out of awonderfull book about Seychelles ...... ;-)))))) Such a
fine pic Peter ........ love it!!!!! Yes, you have the look
for wonderful and great pictures. greets Wo.
Gabi Anna 26/03/2006 18:12
a dream ...
and a great picture...
°°° celle °°° 26/03/2006 17:09
great crop with the shadow ;-))))Véronique Soulier 26/03/2006 11:00
island and mountains.. two very special places to live... you're as lucky as me.. and a good photographer too of course !cheers Véronique
Herbert Schaible 24/03/2006 21:42
is the name of the hotel behind still called PARADIES ?Roswitha Keller 24/03/2006 20:56
Hi Peter, very nice, excellent colours. RoswithaPiroska Baetz 24/03/2006 8:36
wieder ein wundervolle landschaftfotolg. piri
irigyellek hogy ilyen szép helyeken jársz...nagyon kellemes meleg csodaszép színek..
üdv.piri ...köszönöm szépen a bókot..-:))
Sergio Pessolano 24/03/2006 8:04
A perfect composition. Clever shadows play.Mircea Tiron-Tudor 24/03/2006 7:35
Great ! Excellent colours and atmosphere.Regards, Mircea
Patricia. F. 24/03/2006 5:52
Ich möcht auch gern mal wieder Palmen sehen...seufz. Wär schön, wenn der ganze Schatten drauf wäre.Die Farben überzeugen aber mal wieder sehr.