Paisaje pictórico (pictorial landscape) photo & image | paisajes, campo, cielo images at photo community
Paisaje pictórico (pictorial landscape) Photo & image by José Medin ᐅ View and rate this photo free at Discover more images here.
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Section | Naturaleza: Campo |
Views | 14,791 |
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Camera | DMC-GX7 |
Lens | LUMIX G VARIO 14-42/F3.5-5.6 |
Aperture | 8 |
Exposure time | 1/500 |
Focus length | 14.0 mm |
ISO | 200 |
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alejandro castro tejerina 08/06/2021 18:56
Una verdadera pintura. SaludosJosé Luis Ramos Rodriguez 06/06/2021 0:41
Un bonito paisaje lleno de color con un cielo amenazante. Un saludo y buen domingo.