Outdoorsactivity photo & image | europe, scandinavia, iceland images at photo community
Outdoorsactivity Photo & image by Halldór Gudlaugsson ᐅ View and rate this photo free at fotocommunity.de. Discover more images here.
Frábært! Ég hlakka svo mikið til að koma þangað aftur í sumar.
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Vonandi koma fleiri myndir af Skagafjarðarsvæði...
Kveðja frá Janínu
Reinhold J. Schiemer 27/05/2014 10:36
Der alte Mann und der Pool.
J.S SchulzJanina Vorhof 19/01/2006 16:39
Frábært! Ég hlakka svo mikið til að koma þangað aftur í sumar.Skemmti mér mjög vel þar í fyrra :)
Vonandi koma fleiri myndir af Skagafjarðarsvæði...
Kveðja frá Janínu
† Dieter Schweizer 01/01/2006 17:19
Halldór,fantastic impression from Iceland
Dieter Graser 20/12/2005 7:33
Ha - I like this one!I always missed to visit Grettislaug, but it is a good reason to back to Iceland again.
Stefan Kohlhage 18/12/2005 22:17
Hi Halldór,I dont ask anymore why bathing is one of the favorite activities of Icelanders in the highland ;-)
Renato T. 18/12/2005 21:58
Tolles bild!Dick de Boom 18/12/2005 21:48
Brrrrrrrrrrrr! ....aber schön!