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On és el Papa? - Where is the Pope?

On és el Papa? - Where is the Pope?

1,455 8

Josep A. Collado

Premium (World), València

Comments 8

  • Wim Denijs 31/08/2006 19:53

    like this very much , it shows a streetscene , people are busy , and that is what I like to see also. What are they busy with , what are they thinking ;Pope or not it's great ; by the way thanks for refering to brel on my picture " in the port of amsterdam" , this was what I had in mind when I took it. Tecnical not perfect , but the moment was there , cool man

  • Oliver Suhr 05/08/2006 13:17

    If he has arrived or not: A great scene.
    cheers, Olli
  • Anastasiya Ivanova 04/08/2006 15:57

    So has he arrived yet now??? :-)
  • Josep A. Collado 04/08/2006 8:32

    @Was: gracias colega
    @Cees & Heidi: you are naughty! ....what do you have to say about his build of torero?.....
    @Miquel: jo també diria que el Papa és a la dreta!!
    @Bernhard: maybe about the succes of public?....
  • Heidi Schade 03/08/2006 15:47

    yo solo veo la barriga gorda del señor :-)
    que buena toma.
    saludos, Heidi
  • Miquel Manaut 03/08/2006 11:30

    "diría que a la dreta".
    Bona composició i els colors molt efectius.
  • Cees Kuijs 03/08/2006 10:23

    I`ve a big stomach and I like to show it :-)))
    Great colors.
    Greetings, Cees
  • Paul Laurel 03/08/2006 9:59
