My yesterday's sunset photo & image | landscape, sunrise & sunset, spaziergaenge images at photo community
My yesterday's sunset Photo & image by Anca Silvia B. ᐅ View and rate this photo free at Discover more images here.
: )) one last wink from the eye of the sun: "i'm going to bed now, folks! will leave the fiery sky for you to enjoy! see you tomorrow, if everything goes well and the earth hasn't forgotten to turn…" love the silhouettes of the houses and how the mighty sun looks all small and sleepy, peeking around the corner one last time… hugs, sabine.
LindeA. 20/10/2013 11:15
Sehr romantisch und stimmungsvoll!LG und einen schönen Sonntag!
Vera Shulga 23/09/2013 20:43
it was before the windy day..:-)Tania Skaradek 23/09/2013 2:43
Great view!Red sunset in evening means good weather tomorrow:-)))
Hope your Sunday was perfect Anca!
Vitória Castelo Santos 22/09/2013 18:58
Sehr sehr feine und schöne Aufnahme.LG Vitoria
Lothar Bendig 22/09/2013 15:56
Eine wunderbare Abendstimmung und ein sehr schönes Foto.LG Lothar
Bernd Schmidt2 22/09/2013 13:31
der HImmel brennt.Sehr schön und stimmungsvoll.
LG Bernd
Christine Ge. 22/09/2013 11:26
Traumhaft!Gruß Tina
s. sabine krause 22/09/2013 10:17
: )) one last wink from the eye of the sun: "i'm going to bed now, folks! will leave the fiery sky for you to enjoy! see you tomorrow, if everything goes well and the earth hasn't forgotten to turn…" love the silhouettes of the houses and how the mighty sun looks all small and sleepy, peeking around the corner one last time… hugs, sabine.