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Sasha Yastremskyi 22/10/2009 8:14
from a dream for sure. beautifulKarin Baumgaertel 21/06/2009 9:03
What a wonderful photo.... so harmonic... you just want to be there... great atmosphere.Andrej Nagode 12/06/2009 8:01
Beautiful place and picture.chris nsmith 14/04/2009 17:54
your work is
Brian Cathie 30/03/2009 22:50
Great Landscape shot with much interest.Fine lighting and composition
Saska S. 30/03/2009 20:42
Beautiful light and colours, wonderful image.Regards, Saska
Pixelchaos 30/03/2009 20:33
A Dream!Peter
Gidron 26/03/2009 10:50
Tolle Landschaft. Great. Gruß, JensComy 26/03/2009 5:10
top...Heidi Bollich 23/03/2009 19:10
Beautiful landscape and szenery. Excellent.Heidi
Jean-Bernard 23/03/2009 18:33
a wonderful landscape !bw
Pawel Majewski 23/03/2009 17:55
Well done! Beautiful landscape.Klemens Weisleitner 23/03/2009 17:39
stilig bilde!!! :-)Natalja Dralova 23/03/2009 16:26
Your photo really are breathtaking, it's almost as if I'm standing there; looking over this gorgeous place.Art X 23/03/2009 0:36
Hi Eva!!very nice