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Jaime Crystal Attenborough 26/11/2005 13:59
i agree with everybody, very mistical and misterious. just beautiful to look !
jaime :)
Senem G 23/11/2005 20:05
its woNderfuL..SeNeM
Dragomir Vukovic 23/11/2005 10:10
beautiful +++Piotr Moszczenski 23/11/2005 6:37
this is a water in 20 sec exp.. Thanks for your comment Varsis. Regards.Varsis Pavlicek 23/11/2005 3:00
Nice:P Is it fog? or is that water? Thanks for sharing that great moment.Cees Kuijs 22/11/2005 20:37
Brilliant !! A very great picture.Greetings, Cees