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- Photo & image by LamiaLeFay (Anna) P. ᐅ View and rate this photo free at fotocommunity.de. Discover more images here.
+++ Brilliant image. I love the high key lighting, and the model's posing and attire is perfect for the shot. I would only rather see all or none of her right eye... as it is, I can see the white of her eye. That's minor though, and it is still one of my personal favorite images I've seen in a while. Well done!
Heile Mania 28/10/2005 13:46
cool gaze ! :)Gertrud Gozner 28/10/2005 12:58
simply great!Karl Makkina 28/10/2005 12:51
Same comment as Jeremy for the eye ans the light.congrat' for your picture, you did well
friendly, Karl
Jeremy B 27/10/2005 23:40
+++ Brilliant image. I love the high key lighting, and the model's posing and attire is perfect for the shot. I would only rather see all or none of her right eye... as it is, I can see the white of her eye. That's minor though, and it is still one of my personal favorite images I've seen in a while. Well done!-j