kyokushin photo & image | sports, subjects images at photo community
kyokushin Photo & image by Andreas X Kurzmann ᐅ View and rate this photo free at Discover more images here.
I really enjoy the action of this - and how the block seem suspended while the person is blurred in motion. I wonder if you couldn't correct the color a bit to give more natural tones. The line at the top is distracting, cropping it would bring the attention in more. Pretty cool shot though.
Andreas X Kurzmann 30/11/2005 11:57
I can agree on the line-matter. For sure you are right on that. And also the colours could be adjusted, right. Thank you.When 30/11/2005 11:32
I really enjoy the action of this - and how the block seem suspended while the person is blurred in motion. I wonder if you couldn't correct the color a bit to give more natural tones. The line at the top is distracting, cropping it would bring the attention in more. Pretty cool shot though.