Karen Kids at Ban Suan Rath
Close to the border to Myanmar is located a refugee village called Ban Suan Rath and Phu.
The two cute young girls with their thanakha make up in their face looking into my camera for a snap shoot.
In this village its organized to support the education for Karen refugee kids along Thai-Burma border. I was surprised their knowledge the elder girl of speaking in English language.
Reinhard Arndt 15 hours ago
Sehr niedlich, aber wohl auch ein bisschen schüchtern sind die beiden.Viele Grüße Reinhard
hgphpotography 22 hours ago
Wunderschöne Aufnahme !!!HANS
Benita Sittner 06/09/2024 10:06
...allerliebst die Beiden...VLG BenitaVitória Castelo Santos 05/09/2024 15:45