Took this in Teesdale
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Neil Auty 07/01/2006 15:50
A wonderful place, I love the Upper Teesdale countryside. Nicely Captured.Regards
Neil A
Stuart Borland 03/01/2006 1:17
Great viewpoint Kevin. Your eye is led through the photographJannis G. 01/01/2006 13:57
beautiful composition, light and tone!Lewis Newton 24/12/2005 10:51
Good picture - looks so peaceful here.Check out 'rita' on gallery!
Happy Christmas and my best wishes
to you for 2006.
Sergio Pessolano 24/12/2005 0:19
Superb composition. Clever location ot the houses along a line which leads the eye.PINDORIUS 23/12/2005 19:41
lines, houses, ... good pic!Ron Couwenberg 22/12/2005 16:33
Well done!!. RonIstvan Stefan 22/12/2005 13:59