Ferris Wheel Funk photo & image | abstract, subjects images at photo community
Ferris Wheel Funk Photo & image by Peta Lisle ᐅ View and rate this photo free at fotocommunity.de. Discover more images here.
Good composition and very nice colored picture, Peta.
But my stomach is already tumbling around when I just take look at this picture. Brave girl :-))
Greetings, Cees
Milan Bystron 23/11/2007 10:52
good idea ... nice to coloursCor van den Doel 20/10/2006 8:35
Good image, great colours, interresting point of view.Regards, Cor
Amanda Graham 25/07/2006 22:16
Ooh, this is great. I love the way the in-focus supports contrast with the softness of the paint on the roofs. Well seen!Jacqueline Chay 08/07/2006 5:43
Great clarity and colours, very cheerfulJackie
Jaime Crystal Attenborough 03/07/2006 2:57
this is a great colourful image peta. love the perspective and linesjaime :)
Luiz Porto 26/06/2006 17:22
Amuzing.Maguire 26/06/2006 10:38
Eye-catching modernistic look. I like it. Good image.Cees Kuijs 25/06/2006 10:21
Good composition and very nice colored picture, Peta.But my stomach is already tumbling around when I just take look at this picture. Brave girl :-))
Greetings, Cees
Nyo Pu 25/06/2006 2:31
Interesting angle of view and composition is working well with multi-colors.Rob Brydon 25/06/2006 0:49
Good colours here Peta. You girls been out terrorising Luna Park again?...cheers..Rob