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Farming the Sky
HDR capture. 6 photos blended in Photomatix 3.0 Pro
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schnallnix 17/11/2008 18:14
Genial, super HDRLg Stefan
Ryan Krafthefer 10/09/2008 9:24
Actually 6 differently exposed photos all shot in RAW for quality. Killer in space take up. it was like 43MBAlexey Bowcock 10/09/2008 9:22
Nice HDR, it has taken from one RAW picture, or from 6 different pics? I like that angle and little distortion. Well done!Regards, Alex.
Steffen Sturm 10/09/2008 8:42
Klasse Foto!Mir gefallen die Perspektive und die Farben sehr gut!
LG, Steffen