El Pelegrí - The Pilgrim photo & image | street & situation, people images at photo community
El Pelegrí - The Pilgrim Photo & image by Josep A. Collado ᐅ View and rate this photo free at fotocommunity.de. Discover more images here.
we are pilgims with cameras
and we all travel with a purpose -
does this man hope,
like i do,
to someday find the way
to win the heart of dulcinea ?
hrishikesh thakur 07/09/2010 14:55
+++La Imagen 29/09/2007 22:35
hey, lo he heche en el ano 2001 .. puedo sentirlo ...---
un fuerte saludo
Regina Ray 28/09/2007 18:28
great shot!Daniel Gordon ( William Price ) 28/09/2007 9:25
excellent photo...i like it a lotkind regards
Robert L. Roux 24/09/2007 18:55
we are pilgims with camerasand we all travel with a purpose -
does this man hope,
like i do,
to someday find the way
to win the heart of dulcinea ?
Claude Coeudevez 24/09/2007 18:44
very good shot !cheers
Massimo Carolla 22/09/2007 12:58
great image, very good b/w and diagonal, ciao MassimoJulia Kretsch 20/09/2007 19:56
Wonderful photo!PINDORIUS 19/09/2007 20:43
bon document i bona composiciom'agrada la paret del fons
Heidi Schade 19/09/2007 16:46
muy buena foto.saludos
Cees Kuijs 19/09/2007 15:58
Excellent, amigo.Greetings, Cees
Marek Pawlowski 19/09/2007 10:01
A good shot. There are still many steps to be done by the pilgrim.Marek
Andrea Jagersberger 19/09/2007 8:53
A great pic ... emotionallgAndrea
Alexandra Baltog 19/09/2007 7:43
+++Pascal Viyer 19/09/2007 5:42
La Quête !good capture !!