Dukan Dam - 1 photo & image | asia, middle east, iraq images at photo community
Dukan Dam - 1 Photo & image by Abdul Khaliq ᐅ View and rate this photo free at fotocommunity.de. Discover more images here.
How nice to see a photo from you in such beautiful colors. I have just been reading that u have been transfered from the Emirates to the Northern Iraq - Kurdistan. What a change. Hope u and your family are having a good time there, anyway the picture looks very promising.
Dragomir Vukovic 15/07/2011 23:31
^^^Heidi G. K. 15/07/2011 21:53
How nice to see a photo from you in such beautiful colors. I have just been reading that u have been transfered from the Emirates to the Northern Iraq - Kurdistan. What a change. Hope u and your family are having a good time there, anyway the picture looks very promising.Regards