Paste the following link into the comment field of the desired conversation in Messenger to send this profile in the message.
Link copied
Copy the following link to share the profile in other applications.
Die Spinne im Regenbogen
Der Herbst ist da, welcher sich in allen Farben im Spinnennetz widerspielegelt.
Include in a comment, a description or a message to show this image.
Link copied...
Click on the link and use the key combination "Ctrl C" [Win] or "Cmd C" [Mac] to copy the link.
Insert the following link into the comment field of the desired conversation in Messenger using 'Paste' to send this image in the message.
mgreeneye 12/10/2010 22:59
DAs ist ja superschön eingefangen !Regine Brossmann 12/10/2010 22:52
Ungewöhnliche und schöne Aufnahme.LG;