Decorative Thistle photo & image | plants, fungi & lichens, flowers, wildflowers images at photo community
Decorative Thistle Photo & image by Jerzy Podgórski ᐅ View and rate this photo free at Discover more images here.
Great light and wonderful colors. Good depth of field to bring out the details in this beautiful flower. Jerzy you captured it very well.
Regards, Perry
Perry Blevins 28/12/2007 19:02
Great light and wonderful colors. Good depth of field to bring out the details in this beautiful flower. Jerzy you captured it very well.Regards, Perry
Francesco Margarita 02/10/2007 20:02
Surrealismo - Francesco Margarita - Classic Fusion -
Francesco MargaritaMi piacciono molto questi fiori, bella foto.
ciao francesco
Terje Nicolaysen 31/08/2007 17:31
Very nice !Regards