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Matze Kraus 09/07/2009 7:57
perfect macro... greedingsFrei Annamaria 15/09/2008 12:41
Da ist dir eine tolle Aufnahme gelungen. Ist auch ein interessantes Motiv.Lg, Annamaria
Hadi Entesari 15/09/2008 11:08
Hi dear AndréExistent very god photo
veri wonder
tank you
Mark Billiau. 15/09/2008 9:21
Excellent capture of the bee.Great compo and colours.
Splendid sharpness and dof.
Good work, André.
Genius Boy 15/09/2008 6:30
very nice picture & very good colours & compositionStella2410 15/09/2008 0:08
Hallo -********
Ilidio Fernandes 14/09/2008 23:55
Andre , this is one of the most beautiful macros i've seen here for a long time. Bom trabalho.