5,544 8

Comments 8

  • Ahim Rani 19/12/2005 2:11

    Dear All, I thank you for all of your feedback and comments. It would be more grateful if you could post it in English so I could be able to understand it. Cheers!!
  • Ralf Wegener 18/12/2005 15:30

    Ein schönes Bild, es könnte allerdings etwas größer und schärfer sein. Ausserdem ist es in die falsche Kategorie gerutscht.
  • Michael Gillich 08/12/2005 15:02

    Hello Ahim,
    welcome to the FC!
    Nice shot!
    lg MIKE
  • Rüdiger Kautz 07/12/2005 9:32

    Schönes Motiv, aber - wie schon gesagt - nutze die 130KB oder besser noch 260 KB, kostet allerdings dann 2 Fotos.
    Gruß Rüdiger
  • Holger X. 07/12/2005 9:25

    Hi, Ahim - a very nice view and a quite good photo.
    It would have been nice, if you would have shown
    this picture in a bigger size - you have nearly
    130 kilobyte available for each picture, but you
    only used 85545 bytes of them - so you had a lot
    of bytes more to show the picture much bigger.

    Greetings - Holger
  • Georg Zwettler 07/12/2005 8:36

    tolles motiv!
  • Georg Zwettler 07/12/2005 8:36

    tolles motiv!
  • Viktor Hazilov 07/12/2005 8:35
