a sunday visitor III
Today, when I woke up I saw this "Muscovy Duck" out of my window.
She stayed with us until noon and when we tried to feed her.....she flew away...:-(
....and we made dream of Christmas .......:-)
thanks to my friend Mark Billiau.
for the correction!!!!! but I had never seen that bird before, so I suppose that it was a turkey.....
Dragomir Vukovic 21/11/2011 20:23
beautifulIlidio Fernandes 21/11/2011 18:15
Great shot.Sally Dunn 21/11/2011 16:46
I thought it was a turkey too I must admit! He is camera shy by the look of it!Hugs
ann margAReT 20/11/2011 17:19
ein schöner moment im richtigen augenblick festgehalten. schönes licht.lg ann
BRYAN CRUTE 20/11/2011 16:17
Keep feeding it , Christmas is coming soon:-))Regards
David H Thomas 20/11/2011 15:49
wonderful imagewilly ombret 20/11/2011 15:20
très beau shootwilly ombret
Elfriede de Leeuw 20/11/2011 15:00
;((((.......so a sad dream ;))))))))))))))Kr.Elfriede