A Rainy Night in Glasgow
...seen from an entrance to Central Station (where the newspaper seller
and - for the moment - the photographer are reasonably dry ;-)
This image is available in archival gallery prints and as a custom printed Photo Note Card.
©2012 Steve Ember
A Rainy Night in Glasgow, No.2
Steve Ember
s. sabine krause 19/11/2012 9:00
i really like the atmosphere of this one! the glittering rain on the sidewalks, in some parts reflecting the colors of the traffic lights, the umbrellas, the view through the ancient-looking gate with the surreal little backside of the vendor – would never have reconized him as the newspaper seller, hadn't you told us… –, the glowing light and the somewhat peaceful atmosphere – no rush! – – it all makes me feel nostalgia and perceive the scene as a historical tableau… greetings, sabine.