A Peaceful and Joyous Christmas
With this picture from an almost lifesize Nativity scene in Muscota/Mexico I wish all of you at FC and especially my dear friends a peaceful Christmas Season and a New Year of good health and joy and love!!!
Thank you so much for all your greetings, comments and good wishes - they are heartwarming!
Maria João Arcanjo 04/01/2011 19:08
*******Günter Nau 03/01/2011 11:36
ein sehr stimmungsvolles Bild zum Weihnachtsfest.Grüße Günter
Snežana 02/01/2011 14:30
Thank you dear Adele for nice pic and wishes! I wish you all the best in new year - a lot of traveling and meeting nice people! Enjoy every minute where ever you are!Snežana
cHrist.. 01/01/2011 14:33
Very nice image, thank you and wish you a happy new year, too!uc
vittorio L 29/12/2010 22:46
Thanks a lot !!!All the best also to you.
Emir Hadzidervisagic Roki 29/12/2010 8:49
Ciao amica Adele, grazie di cuore, ricambio gli auguri, anche buon Natale e felice Anno Nuovo a te ed alla tua famiglia...ogni bene...EmirJojo. 28/12/2010 8:56
Tous mes meilleurs voeux pour 2011Bisous
Jutta S 27/12/2010 17:29
eine sehr schöne Weihnachtskrippe, die Bearbeitung gefällt mir !Lg Jutta
DRAGA PUC 26/12/2010 16:58
Thank you, I wish you too.regards
Beatrice Herz 26/12/2010 13:47
Thanks very much for your wishes and a Merry Christmas to you too and your family and all the Best for 2011Beatrice
JURAFR 25/12/2010 0:06
Merci beaucoup Adéle , trés jolie , joyeux Noêl à toi aussi , Merry Christmas :-))Amitiés
Perry Blevins 24/12/2010 22:36
Thank you for this beautiful card and greetings. Wishing you and your family a Merry Christmas.Seasons Greetings,
Perry and Anna
Thoralf 24/12/2010 17:30
Hallo AdeleAuch von mir die besten Wuensche zum Weihnachtsfest
Herzliche Gruesse Thoralf
Q.61 24/12/2010 16:14
Lieben Dank für Deine Weihnachtsgrüße !Auch ich wünsche Dir und Deiner Familie ein schönes und friedvolles Weihnachtsfest und viel Gesundheit für 2011 !
Frohe Weihnachten
Q.61VG. Q.61
TFR 24/12/2010 10:01
Beautiful and same to you as well!!!Robert